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This Blog is for friends and family to receive updates on my adventure in Afghanistan. I'll try to update it on a regular basis, post pictures, and tell you a little bit about my experiences (both the good and the bad)!

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving in Afghanistan

Holiday spirit among people who are forced to be away from home is a wondrous thing.  Despite being away from loved ones, there's a distinct feeling that occurs when you're among people who are working hard towards a cause larger than themselves and sacrificing by being away from home during the holiday season.  There's a spirt in the air of joy and outward glee and yet an acknowledgement of a little bit of inner sadness.

I remember the good feelings during Army week at the Academy (back when the Army-Navy game was the Saturday after Thanksgiving), and Christmas joys during finals week.  Then the bitter sweetness of being at sea over Christmas and New Years a few times.

Great memories of taking that long drive up to the in-laws in Central CA with the kids, with all the presents, while they humored me as I listened to Christmas songs in endless repetition.  They complained then, but now they find a way to humor their old dad :-).

It's a crisp, very clear morning here in Jalalabad.  The snow-capped peaks of the Tora Bora mountains can clearly be seen to the southeast.

Breakfast in the DFAC this morning was slim pickings, yet chairs and tables were being rearranged.  Special Thanksgiving tablecloths were being layed out with about 50 civilians and military personnel laying out dishes of nuts as a few hundred turkeys were being cooked and basted in the kitchen.

Folks here in the Fusion Center can't wait to start playing Christmas music as soon as the last piece of pumpkin or pecan pie (topped with ice cream of course) is consumed at early dinner.

My next door neighbors in San Diego, the Ilkos have graciously invited Chris and the two boys over for dinner, I miss them a lot but I'm also thankful I'm here amongst America's best and brightest soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.

As a special gift on Thanksgiving I got to watch us launch a barrage of ATACMS rockets fired from a mobile launcher on base at a very high-value target.  Great for morale!

Happy Thanksgiving.

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